Getting Started

Browseth is a simple JavaScript library for Ethereum.


From your project directory:

yarn add browseth

Import inside relevant project files:

import Browseth from 'browseth'

Choosing an Ethereum RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

An Ethereum RPC is your gateway to interacting with Ethereum.

Ethereum nodes have the option to expose a JSON RPC allowing developers to interact with the Ethereum network.

A local Ethereum node usually exposes a JSON RPC at port 8545. There are services like Infura that provide a public JSON RPC for developers.

Initializing Browseth

Initialize Browseth with an Ethereum RPC url or web3 instance.

By default, Browseth uses http://localhost:8545.

const beth = new Browseth("")
// or
const beth = new Browseth(window.web3)

Now Browseth is connected to the Ethereum network!

Types of Requests

There are two types of requests to Ethereum: read and writes.

A call request is free to call but may not add, remove, or change any data in the blockchain.

A send request requires a network fee, but may change the state of the blockchain. These methods must be made by a transaction and mined before any changes to the state are made. So these methods are subject to fluctuating gas prices, network congestion, and miner heuristics.


Signers are required to make send requests.

The following signer types are supported: private key, ledger, and online.

import PrivateKeySigner from '@browseth/signer-private-key'
import SignerLedger from '@browseth/signer-ledger'

beth.useSignerAccount(new PrivateKeySigner(PRIVATE_KEY));
beth.useSignerAccount(new SignerLedger());